Blog of a Million Dreams

Monday, April 21, 2008

Older Women, Younger Men

Went out with my faux Sex in the City crew. I couldn't believe the 20-something guys that came on to us, these 40-something women.

These guys had hot looking 20 year old chicks drooling over them, and they were falling over us! US-these older, still whoopin' it up ladies.

I couldn't figure out the attraction...I mean, one guy followed me around trying to put his phone number down my he was trailed by his 24 year old girlfriend...why???

I asked a couple of people at work and one lady said it was the MILF thing...and the Ashton Kucher/Demi Moore thing going on...and one of the guys at work said it was 'cuz I was so hot...okay, fine, I mean, I'm not bad looking--but c'mon, I'm not 20 anymore...a little worse for the wear.

My friends and I decided that Kim was the Kim Cattrall character (OMG, she really is!) and Cynthia is the Kristen Davis character (which I so thought she was, but I didn't want to offend her so I didn't bring it up until she did)..which leaves me, a cross between Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon...I"m not a lesbian so that rules out Cynthia Nixon but I don't have a daddy complex so that rules out the Sarah Jessica Parker I guess I'm a little of both of them.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Beautiful Day

It's a beautiful day, with no clouds, perfect fact, shorts weather. I should be outside. I should be biking, walking, taking pictures, enjoying the moment.

Instead, I find myself arguing with Big G, watching the big screen, and paying bills. When I'm not doing that, I'm napping, blogging, in short-doing everything but what I should be doing, enjoying the day.

And that is the basic problem/crux of my personality. If there is something I should be doing, because it's good for me, because everyone else thinks I should do it, I will do the exact opposite. Sometimes I live to be obstinate.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

A Wee Bit Zonked


I haven't blogged in two months.

This may be due to the fact that I am now in an extremely stressful job. I get up at 5 a.m. and work (hard) until 5 p.m. onsite, and then go home and work offsite until 10 p.m. My job ends in June. It is a big unknown if any of us (my colleagues and I) will have a job after that. Some people have already bailed out and will be definitely leaving come June regardless.

So. I'm stressed. A little exhausted.

Oh? And did I mention home renovation? Yeah. My brother came, started me on it, then took off. So I am left to somehow finish it all. Did I mention that I have no experience in home renovation (other than massive hours spent watching HGTV)? And no time, since my job is physcially, emotionally and mentally draining.

So. I'm stressed. A little exhausted. Did I mention that?

And when my darling, much-adored almost-18-yearo-old, comes home from school with notes explaining why she may not it any wonder that my brain implodes? Is it any wonder that I sit mindless and empty-headed on the couch, with my tongue lolling out and a vacant expression in my eyes.

Blogging? Yeah right.

My neighbors have moved to Arizona. Silly folks signed on for an amortized loan, and then expressed disbelief when the rates changed. "We were tricked!", they wailed.

They weren't crying when (before their rates changed and they were paying next to nothing) they bought their new car, went on a trip overseas, bought a big screen t.v. and had two kids. They weren't crying when they paid for the 200+ channel cable program. They weren't crying when they went out to dinner every night while the rest of us with fixed rate loans scraped soup out of a can.

Okay, enough about them. I want to talk about me. Did I mention I'm a little exhausted?