Blog of a Million Dreams

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Favorite All Time Candy;

1) Candy Eyeball Rings

2) Snickers

3) Kit Kat

4) Popcorn Balls

5) Butterfingers

6) Lollipops

and I can't think of anymore...I'm not really a candy freak...but I do like anything that has dark chocolate...

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I can't believe that I couldn't sleep last night.

I remember watching the stupidest movie ever (wtf, matthew broderick?) and listening to the clock tick down the time.

And I had the worst news today about neighbors not being funded on neighborhood improvement projects.

But the best news was that, while many of my neighbors have had their home line equity of credit reduced because they are upside down on their mortgage, my house (to-date) is solid. I've got enough invested in it that I should make a profit, even if I were to sell today. A substantial profit. Pretty good for owning it only 4 or so years.

But maybe that was partially what was keeping me up last night? That and planning for future career moves...

Cut Your Losses

It's been quite the week.

I finished off my week today with a mad binge of shopping (albeit Goodwill shopping, but still...)

And then I fell asleep at 9 pm, only to fully wake up at 10:30 p.m. What to do?

I decided to watch one of the movies I'd been hanging onto, thanks to Netflix. The movie was called "Finding Amanda" with Mathew Broderick. It was about Las Vegas so how bad could that be? Bad. Very bad.

I felt the same way about this movie that I felt when watching that monstrosity of a movie with Ben Afleck and Jennifer Lopez ("Gigli" or something).

I started watching and realized that it probably wasn't that great of a movie, but I should reserve judgment and give it a chance because, after all, Mathew Broderick and Maurna Tierney were in it.

And then, about a third of the way into the movie, I realized it really wasn't going anywhere, but I'd already watched it for a little while, invested some time into it and should finish out the movie because what if it had a really good ending? And, since I'd already put my time into it, I didn't want to just turn it really couldn't be that much longer or worse.

But it was.

I should've cut my losses and turned that damn dvd player off.