Blog of a Million Dreams

Friday, September 18, 2009

Government Bailout Money

Oh, how the irony grows!

I've just read an msnbc story that details the growing concern that a government entity (Federal Housing Administration) may need a bailout!

The story claims that it will be taxpayer money that may be bailing out this government agency.

So, let me get this straight, government money is taxpayer money, isn't it? I mean the government operates on the money that taxpayers give them I HOPE. Otherwise, wouldn't that mean that companies and lobbyists are running our country?...

So, to continue on with the fantasy that we the people run the country...

Now I am reading a story about how GOVERNMENT money is being used to bailout a GOVERNMENT agency.

Taxpayers are bailing out taxpayers. Let's all just hope that there's more taxpayer money than bailout demands.

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