Blog of a Million Dreams

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reasons I Haven't Blogged Lately...

1. My hard drive crashed...and burned. Had to take the ole laptop into a computer doctor who promptly said there was nothing wrong, other than the fact that I somehow had a hard drive crash, wiping out my whole operating system.

2. I've had to reinstall...everything. And I feel so overwhelmed about all the programs that I need to reinstall that I've turned procrastination into something HUGE...So far I've only reinstalled my Adobe pdf and have tons more to work on.

3. I need to recreate lost files. Not happy 'bout that.

4. I'm dogsitting. A really, really cute dog. He looks like a squirrel, only cuter. And he's really sweet. But he doesn't like to be left alone...which makes it a little hard to get stuff done.

5. Even decluttering and cleaning is starting to look better than job searching and working on my defunct and deficient computer. So far I've taken six huge trash bags of stuff to the Goodwill, along with various pieces of furniture.

6. My filing system (or lack thereof) has hit a wall. I've run out of carpet and must immediately address the piles of paper on my floor.

7. I am expecting house guests. This means I must clean.

8. My garden in the back has become overgrown...I have to fix the trellis and cut back some of the greenery. And I love my greenery. Bummer.

9. Still thinkin' about selling. The neighbors are putting there places on the market and I need to get my place in better shape so I can sell when and if I need to do so.

10. I've got to do my writing edits. Which means I need to reinstall Microsoft Word.

11. Exterior damage. I must bring it to the property manager's attention. Which means I need to write a letter. Which means I need to reinstall Microsoft Word.

12. Total exhaustion. Yes. I'm tired, cranky and feeling whiny. Probably not the best state of mind for blogging. Oh well.


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