Blog of a Million Dreams

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Summertime is almost here and I don't have a job lined up.

I just don't feel like looking. Yes, I have to look. No, I cannot afford NOT to look. But hey, I'm tired. I don't want to look, yet again, for another job. The layoff was brutal. The temp job is great but oh-so-temporary. I just don't feel like wading through a zillion more rejections, as I did last year.

Every year it feels the same. Some horrendous job change, financial stress and a desperate churning about for work. I just don't want to do it anymore.

Here's the thing. I'm pretty d*** employable. I have fantastic skills and I make a great employee. So, employers should come to me. I'm tired of it all.

Solution: Build up my own business.


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